Search Results for: employment discrimination

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5 Employment-Related Job Killer Bills Pass to Second House

Five California Chamber of Commerce employment-related job killer proposals have moved on to the second house, passing a key legislative deadline on May 27 that…

Posted in Accessibility Disabilities Discrimination

EEOC, DOJ Guidance on Using AI, Algorithms in Employment

Employers commonly use computer-based tools to assist in employment matters such as hiring workers, monitoring performance, and determining pay and/or promotions as well as other…

Posted in Posters and Notices

New Year Equals New Employment Posters — Remember Your Physical Posting Obligations!

Whether it’s planning for applicable state and local minimum wage increases and exempt employee salary increases; updating employee handbooks; or making sure employees complete their…

Posted in General

Download the Free New 2022 California Employment Laws White Paper!

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to be a primary focus in 2021, the California Legislature crafted and sent several hundred bills to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk. As 2021 winds to…

Posted in General

New 2022 California Employment Laws

This year’s legislative session officially ended with Governor Newsom signing the last batch of bills over the weekend. The COVID-19 pandemic was still challenging for…

Posted in Discrimination Hiring

Bias, Discrimination Concerns Over Video Resume Platform

Following the release of a survey that found video chat proficiency to be the most in-demand job skill right now, social media platform Tik Tok…

Posted in Discrimination

What to Do When an Employee Complains About ‘Discrimination’

An employee complained to me that a coworker frequently yells at the employee for parking in the wrong spot and says that the coworker is…

Posted in Discrimination

Retaliation, Disability Top Workplace Discrimination Charges

In fiscal year (FY) 2020, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) received 67,448 workplace discrimination charges — and, once again, retaliation was the most…

Posted in General

Free 2021 California Employment Laws White Paper

Even in a months-long pandemic, the California Legislature passed a bunch of new employment laws — some COVID-19-related, some not — that Governor Gavin Newsom…

Posted in General

New California Employment Laws Effective Now, Coming January 1

It’s the first day of October, which means the leaves are starting to turn red and orange, pumpkin spice is everywhere, everyone is looking longingly…