Tag: overtime

Posted in Alternative Workweek

Flexible Schedules Can Create Wage, Hour Pitfalls for Employers

Remote working during the pandemic provided quite a bit of flexibility for both employers and employees. Now that we’re in a period of relative stability…

Posted in Meal and Rest Break

California Meal, Rest Break Laws Don’t Apply to Long-, Short-Haul Truck Drivers

California’s onerous meal and rest break laws don’t apply to truck drivers regulated by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT’s) hours-of-service requirements, as the Ninth…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Overtime Workplace Policies

California Laws Generally Apply Only within Borders of State

Since the pandemic, my company has been allowing employees to work from home. Without informing our human resources department, several of these employees have moved…

Posted in General

CalChamber Releases 2022 Job Killer List

Over the course of the last two weeks, the California Chamber of Commerce released and has been building its 2022 job killer list. After its…

Posted in Holiday Pay Time Off

California Holiday Pay, Time Off Rules

In this episode of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber employment law experts Matthew Roberts and Bianca Saad discuss California holiday wage and hour issues, including holiday…

Fall Back Sun, Nov. 7, 2021
Posted in Compensation Overtime

End of Daylight Saving, Time to “Fall Back”

Remember this past March, when we all sprung forward to give ourselves more light in the evening hours? This weekend, we flip that switch again…

Posted in Compensation Final Paycheck Termination Workplace Safety

Retaliation, Wage Theft Top Recent California Labor Commissioner Citations

Although the California Labor Commissioner has allocated many resources to enforcing COVID-19-related infractions during the pandemic, that doesn’t mean it’s turned a blind eye to…

Posted in Compensation Overtime

Remember to Fall Back on Sunday, November 1

Since our hours of daylight are getting shorter and shorter, daylight saving time (DST) ends this Sunday, November 1. Don’t forget to set your clocks…

Pet co-workers have fewer wage and hour obligations.
Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Exempt/Nonexempt

Wage and Hour Considerations for Remote Workers

How do an employer’s pay obligations differ when an hourly/nonexempt employee is working remotely from home? It’s important to keep in mind that when having…

Posted in Compensation

New DOL-Issued Final Rule Updates ‘Regular Rate’ of Pay

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently announced a final rule that updates regulations governing the “regular rate” of pay under the Fair Labor Standards…