Category: Exempt/Nonexempt

Register for Wage & Hour Essentials Exempt, Nonexempt Webinars
Posted in Exempt/Nonexempt Workplace Policies

Register for Wage & Hour Essentials Exempt, Nonexempt Webinars

California employers must follow numerous wage and hour laws. For example, nonexempt or “hourly” employees must be paid for all hours worked, including overtime paid…

Exempt Employees Wage and Hour Essentials Webinar
Posted in Exempt/Nonexempt

Exempt Employees Wage and Hour Essentials Webinar

Editor’s note: This blog was updated at 4:59 p.m. on June 5, 2024, to reflect changes in date to both the exempt employees webinar (from…

Wage & Hour Essentials for Nonexempt Employees Webinar
Posted in Exempt/Nonexempt

Wage & Hour Essentials for Nonexempt Employees Webinar

Editor’s note: This blog was updated at 5:01 p.m. on June 5, 2024, to reflect changes in date to both the nonexempt employees webinar (from…

U.S. DOL’s New Overtime Rule
Posted in Exempt/Nonexempt Overtime

U.S. DOL’s New Overtime Rule Increases Exempt Employee Salary Threshold

Tasked with implementing and enforcing the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently announced its final rule expanding overtime eligibility…

Exempt Employee Can Be Required to Work Specific Hours
Posted in Exempt/Nonexempt

Exempt Employee Can Be Required to Work Specific Hours

Our company’s business hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. The payroll manager, who is classified as an exempt employee, often…

Posted in Exempt/Nonexempt

Properly Classifying Employees as Exempt, Nonexempt

In this episode of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber employment law experts Matthew Roberts and Ellen Savage discuss how to properly classify employees as either exempt…

Posted in Exempt/Nonexempt Overtime

No Retroactive Fix for Underpayment to Exempt Employee

I recently took over as HR director for my company, and I discovered that for the last seven months, the company wasn’t paying the required…

Pet co-workers have fewer wage and hour obligations.
Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Exempt/Nonexempt

Wage and Hour Considerations for Remote Workers

How do an employer’s pay obligations differ when an hourly/nonexempt employee is working remotely from home? It’s important to keep in mind that when having…

Posted in Exempt/Nonexempt

Can Part-Time Employees Be Exempt?

Can I classify an employee who works only part-time as exempt? An employee’s exempt classification must be evaluated by the employee’s rate of pay and…

Posted in Exempt/Nonexempt Meal and Rest Break

Recent CalChamber Podcasts on Common Employer Problems: Misclassification, Breaks

The latest two episodes of The Workplace, a CalChamber podcast, deal with common issues employers face — misclassifying workers and not following meal and rest…