Category: Meal and Rest Break

Posted in Meal and Rest Break

Could Lack of Meal, Rest Break Policy Violate California Law?

When a litigant raises an entirely new issue that has no direct precedent, the court can ask the California Supreme Court how it would rule…

Posted in Exempt/Nonexempt Meal and Rest Break

Recent CalChamber Podcasts on Common Employer Problems: Misclassification, Breaks

The latest two episodes of The Workplace, a CalChamber podcast, deal with common issues employers face — misclassifying workers and not following meal and rest…

Posted in Meal and Rest Break Overtime

PAGA Complaint Leads to $1M Settlement

The owners of a Mexican restaurant chain in San Jose will pay 239 workers $1 million in unpaid wages, according to the California Labor Commissioner’s…

Posted in Meal and Rest Break

California Challenges Federal Preemption of Meal and Rest Break Laws

California’s Labor Commissioner is challenging a recent Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) determination that federal law preempts California’s meal and rest break rules for…

Posted in Meal and Rest Break

Rest Assured, Our February 21 Webinar Provides Clarity

Think it’s OK in California if a nonexempt employee occasionally misses a meal break or takes a late lunch? What about letting that employee combine…