Author: HRWatchdog

Posted in Discipline Termination

March 19 Webinar Tackles Tough Decisions

Performance issues. Misconduct. Excessively absent or late to work. Reasons for disciplining and terminating employees run the gamut — but blindsiding employees by firing them…

Posted in General

Bring Your Questions: Back-to-Back HR Compliance Training in Costa Mesa

SoCal, here’s a perfect opportunity to attend one or both of these interactive CalChamber training events in Costa Mesa on April 23 and 24: HR…

If these amendments may affect you, then monitor Cal/OSHA’s rulemaking process.
Posted in Workplace Safety

Changes Brewing in California Safety/Health Rules Due to Conformity Mandate

I hear there is a new law revising what is considered a serious injury and the requirements for complaint investigations. What are the changes? As…

Showing your employees you care about their health and safety can improve morale and employee retention.
Posted in Pregnancy Disability Leave

Accommodating Pregnant Employees in Potentially Risky Workplaces

We have a pregnant employee working in the plant where there are a lot of chemical exposures. Her doctor has not restricted or limited her…

Posted in Time Off

Workplace Stress Doesn’t Take a Vacation

In the modern workplace, advancements in communications and technology are supposed to make things easier, right? Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. In a recent…

Employee should keep it professional when dating a co-worker.
Posted in Harassment Workplace Policies

What to Do When Employees Date

Valentine’s Day is here, and people are dropping serious money to express their affection. This year, the National Retail Federation (NRF) reports that consumers plan…

The total number of EEOC charges declined slightly from FY 2018.
Posted in Discrimination

Retaliation Tops EEOC Charges Again

Retaliation still tops the list of most-filed EEOC charges, as the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) details in their 2019 Fiscal Year (FY) breakdown…

Posted in Hiring

Upcoming Webinar Addresses Tight Labor Market

The tight labor market is showing no signs of weakening. HR managers are struggling to fill jobs — often for several weeks — because the…

Posted in Workplace Policies

CalChamber Hails Ruling Invalidating AB 51

On Friday, the California Chamber of Commerce welcomed a ruling by United States District Court Judge Kimberly Mueller halting enforcement of and invalidating in full…

Posted in Workplace Policies

New Law Expands Definition of Registered Domestic Partnership, Add Flex Plan Notice Requirement

In keeping with the new year theme, today’s podcast includes two new “sleeper laws” that took effect on Jan. 1, 2020. These laws have not…