Tag: rest breaks

No Mention of Appliances in Wage Orders Governing Working Conditions
Posted in Meal and Rest Break

No Mention of Break Room Appliances in Wage Orders Governing Working Conditions

An employee is complaining about not having enough room in the break room refrigerator for their lunch. Just what is the employer supposed to provide…

Posted in Meal and Rest Break

Rest Breaks: Ways to Prove Employees Receive Duty-Free Time

Recently, an employee complained to management that they were not receiving rest breaks. Because the breaks are paid, the employees do not clock out for…

Posted in Compensation Meal and Rest Break

CA Supreme Court Rules Meal, Rest Break Premiums Are Wages

On May 23, 2022, the California Supreme Court handed down another employee-friendly opinion, ruling that premium pay for missed meal and rest periods are wages…

Posted in Meal and Rest Break

Remote Work Reminder: Comply With Wage and Hour Laws, Encourage Keeping a Schedule

As remote work continues to be a way of life for many, it’s important to ensure accurate timekeeping for nonexempt employees and comply with wage…

Posted in Meal and Rest Break

Workplace Productivity: Coffee Breaks, Hiding in Bathrooms to Kill Time

In California, nonexempt employees are entitled to a 10-minute rest break for every four hours worked or “major fraction thereof,” as well as a 30-minute…

Meal and Rest Break Rules
Posted in Meal and Rest Break Training

Upcoming Webinar Clarifies Often Misunderstood Meal and Rest Break Rules

Is your company following California’s precise meal and rest break requirements? It’s easy to violate the law without realizing it. “Meal breaks have nothing to…

Posted in General

New California Employment Laws Effective Now, Coming January 1

It’s the first day of October, which means the leaves are starting to turn red and orange, pumpkin spice is everywhere, everyone is looking longingly…

Posted in Meal and Rest Break

Could Lack of Meal, Rest Break Policy Violate California Law?

When a litigant raises an entirely new issue that has no direct precedent, the court can ask the California Supreme Court how it would rule…

Posted in Exempt/Nonexempt Meal and Rest Break

Recent CalChamber Podcasts on Common Employer Problems: Misclassification, Breaks

The latest two episodes of The Workplace, a CalChamber podcast, deal with common issues employers face — misclassifying workers and not following meal and rest…

Posted in Meal and Rest Break

Rest Assured, Our February 21 Webinar Provides Clarity

Think it’s OK in California if a nonexempt employee occasionally misses a meal break or takes a late lunch? What about letting that employee combine…