Tag: meal breaks

Posted in Meal and Rest Break

Premium Pay Penalty Due When Employee Given Late Meal Break

Yesterday our store was very busy, so I could not let my employee leave for a meal break until very late in the day. Do…

Posted in Meal and Rest Break

Could Lack of Meal, Rest Break Policy Violate California Law?

When a litigant raises an entirely new issue that has no direct precedent, the court can ask the California Supreme Court how it would rule…

Posted in Exempt/Nonexempt Meal and Rest Break

Recent CalChamber Podcasts on Common Employer Problems: Misclassification, Breaks

The latest two episodes of The Workplace, a CalChamber podcast, deal with common issues employers face — misclassifying workers and not following meal and rest…

Posted in Meal and Rest Break

Rest Assured, Our February 21 Webinar Provides Clarity

Think it’s OK in California if a nonexempt employee occasionally misses a meal break or takes a late lunch? What about letting that employee combine…