Tag: COVID-19

Remind employees to practice good ergonomic habits to avoid injury.
Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Health and Safety

Working from Home? Helpful Ergonomic Tips for You and Your Employees

Have you and your employees been working from home the last few weeks? Do your eyes feel strained or your back and neck feel stuck…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Local Ordinances

LA County Extends ‘Safer at Home’ Order; Requires Social Distancing Protocol for Essential Businesses

As previously reported, many localities have been revising their shelter-in-place orders, not only extending their duration but also imposing additional requirements on those essential businesses…

Pet co-workers have fewer wage and hour obligations.
Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Exempt/Nonexempt

Wage and Hour Considerations for Remote Workers

How do an employer’s pay obligations differ when an hourly/nonexempt employee is working remotely from home? It’s important to keep in mind that when having…

Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti signs COVID-19-related emergency orders for supplemental paid sick leave, worker protections and grocery, retail and food delivery scheduling.
Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Local Ordinances

LA Mayor Signs COVID-19-Related Emergency Orders on Paid Sick Leave, Worker Protection

On April 7, 2020, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti signed three different emergency orders aimed at protecting workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Supplemental Paid Sick…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Local Ordinances

California Cities’ and Counties’ ‘Shelter in Place’ Orders Evolve

As previously reported, in March, several California counties issued “shelter in place” orders as an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, commonly known as…

Cal/OSHA has compiled and posted extensive guidance recommendations and requirements from many sources to assist the employer during this time.
Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Health and Safety

Guide to Safety/Health Requirements During COVID-19 Outbreak

As an employer, where can I find safety and health information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak that is affecting my ability to do business? The…

The new FFCRA regulations require employees to provide notice to their employers about their need to take either paid sick leave or expanded family and medical leave.
Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) FMLA/CFRA Time Off

Required FFCRA Documentation, Recordkeeping for New Federal Paid Leave (COVID-19)

The new Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) has dominated employers’ attention with its provisions for emergency paid sick leave and expanded family and medical…

The city of Los Angeles’ new ordinance would cover employers with 500 or more employees nationally.
Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Local Ordinances

Los Angeles City Council Approves Supplemental Paid Sick Leave for COVID-19

On Friday, March 27, 2020, the Los Angeles City Council approved an ordinance to provide supplemental paid sick leave to workers affected by COVID-19, commonly…

No April Fools’ Day joke – new federal paid sick leave and expanded FMLA law is effective today!
Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) FMLA/CFRA Posters and Notices Time Off

Reminder: Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) Now Effective

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), federal legislation President Trump signed on March 18, 2020, providing paid sick leave (PSL) and emergency family and…

The COVID-19 national emergency declaration has affected the H-1B Visa process.
Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Hiring

COVID-19 Impacts H-1B Visa Applications, Processing

As of noon, Eastern time on March 20, the initial (and brand-spankin’ new) 2021 H-1B Visa application process officially closed, and the U.S. Citizenship and…