Author: HRWatchdog

Posted in Workplace Policies

Denying Lactation Accommodation Requests in California

My employee is returning from pregnancy leave and has asked to have time off and a suitable place to express milk at work. We have…

Posted in Exempt/Nonexempt

Not All Salaried Employees Are Exempt; June’s Webinar Explains Why

A high salary doesn’t automatically make an employee exempt in California, and neither does a fancy job title. California and federal rules on classifying an…

Posted in Hiring Workplace Policies

New CalChamber Podcast Discusses “Ghosting” In The Workplace

As employers are finding it harder and harder to fill positions, a new problem that is arising is job abandonment and applicants disappearing in the…

Posted in General

Flex Schedules, Early Fridays Top Employees’ Summer Wish List

Summer days are just around the corner, calling for relaxed schedules and a yearning to be outside. During this time, many workers wish for summer…

Posted in Harassment Hiring Workplace Policies

CalChamber Podcast: Texting in the Workplace and Other Cautionary Employment Tales

In last week’s episode of The Workplace, CalChamber Executive Vice President and General Counsel Erika Frank and employment law attorney Jennifer Shaw discuss the implications…

Posted in Independent Contractor

Hiring Retiree for Specific Projects as an Independent Contractor

One of my long-term employees recently retired and would like to do some occasional work for us in her spare time. Can we hire her…

Posted in Discrimination

Asking an Older Employee If He Plans on Retiring Soon

Our employee is over 65 years old and he seems shaky physically; it is taking him longer and longer to get his job duties done….

Posted in Hiring Workplace Policies

New CalChamber Podcast: Marijuana and the Workplace

In the newest episode of CalChamber’s podcast, The Workplace, CalChamber General Counsel and Executive Vice President Erika Frank is joined by employment law attorney Jennifer…

Posted in General

Celebrating Small (But Mighty) Businesses

National Small Business Week 2019 shines a spotlight on 30 million small businesses from May 5 to May 11. Each year since 1963, the president…

Posted in Time Off

Questions About Pregnancy Disability Leave? Our May 16 Webinar Delivers

Do you know that California law provides some of the country’s strongest workplace protections for employees who are pregnant and/or new parents? That said, employers…