Tag: Fair Employment and Housing Act

Posted in Time Off Workplace Policies

Labor Law Proposals to Keep an Eye On

In this episode of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber employment law expert Matthew Roberts and CalChamber policy advocate Ashley Hoffman discuss four current state legislative proposals…

Posted in Discrimination Hiring

Bias, Discrimination Concerns Over Video Resume Platform

Following the release of a survey that found video chat proficiency to be the most in-demand job skill right now, social media platform Tik Tok…

Posted in Discrimination

Addressing Age Discrimination in Employment

Ageism in employment — a bias against workers 40 years of age and older — is experienced more during the job search process than in…

Posted in Health and Safety

Alcohol Awareness in the Workplace

Each year, an estimated 500 million workdays are lost to alcohol-related issues, costing $240 billion annually — and 72 percent of that is due to…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Disabilities Discrimination Workplace Safety

COVID-19 Vaccine Guidance Released

On March 4, 2021, the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) updated its COVID-19 guidance, addressing several vaccination-related questions. The updated guidance replaces…

Posted in Disabilities Discrimination

If 65+ Employee Falters, Focus on Job Performance, Not Age

We have an employee who is over the age of 65 and has worked for us for several years, but recently his cognitive skills appear…

Sexual orientation and transgender protectionsast in part, on the employee’s sex. sexual orientation
Posted in Discrimination

U.S. Supreme Court Extends Sexual Orientation, Transgender Protections

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a long-awaited ruling on whether a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity fall within Title VII of the Civil Rights…