Category: Disabilities

Wearable Tech in the Workplace: Efficiency Booster or Discrimination Liability?
Posted in Disabilities

Wearable Tech in the Workplace: Efficiency Booster or Discrimination Liability?

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has published new guidance on the use of wearable technology to monitor employees in the workplace. Like many…

DOL Proposes Phasing Out Subminimum Wage for Disabled Workers
Posted in Disabilities Minimum Wage

DOL Proposes Phasing Out Subminimum Wage for Disabled Workers

On December 3, 2024, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued a proposed rule that would eventually phase out certificates that permit employers to pay certain…

Assistive Animal at Work Still Subject to Minimum Standards
Posted in Disabilities

Assistive Animals at Work Still Subject to Minimum Standards

One of our employees has asked to bring an emotional support dog to the office. I know about service animals in the workplace. Do we…

Good Process Key to Choosing Reasonable Accommodation for Disability
Posted in Disabilities

Good Process Key to Choosing Reasonable Accommodation for Disability

One of our employees with a disability requires a reasonable accommodation. May we choose the reasonable accommodation that we provide? Perhaps. Determining what accommodations, if…

How to Navigate Reasonable Accommodations
Posted in Disabilities

How to Navigate Reasonable Accommodations Tackled in Upcoming Webinar

In 2023, 22.5 percent of people with a disability were employed — a record high since the data was first collected in 2008. As more…

Visual Impairment
Posted in Accessibility Disabilities

EEOC Updates ‘Visual Disabilities in the Workplace’ Guidance

Vision impairments can start or occur at any time in life due to a variety of different factors. In 2022, for instance, approximately 18 percent…

Posted in Disabilities Discrimination

EEOC Updates ‘Hearing Disabilities in the Workplace’ Guidance

Approximately 48 million Americans have some degree of hearing loss, according to the Hearing Loss Association of America, which also notes that hearing loss has…

Posted in Disabilities

Medical Documentation Requirements for Disability Leaves

If an employee requests a leave of absence as an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), can I require medical documentation from their…

Posted in Accessibility Disabilities Discrimination

EEOC, DOJ Guidance on Using AI, Algorithms in Employment

Employers commonly use computer-based tools to assist in employment matters such as hiring workers, monitoring performance, and determining pay and/or promotions as well as other…

Posted in Disabilities

Can Employees Sue for Unwanted Birthday Parties?

In Kentucky, a former employee was recently awarded $450,000 after an unwanted birthday party. HR professionals across the country have been clicking on these headlines…