Author: Ellen Savage, J.D.

Posted in Time Off

Doctor’s Note Not Always Automatic Excuse for Absences

My employee has used up all her protected sick leave, but still calls out sick regularly and always returns with a doctor’s note. Can we…

Granting Family Leave
Posted in Time Off

Use Caution When Granting Family Leave Before Employee Is Eligible

My employee wants to take 12 weeks off for child bonding, but he has worked for us for only 11 months so he’s not eligible…

clopening cafe worker
Posted in General

‘Clopening’ Schedules Generally OK for California Workers

Is there a minimum amount of time required between an employee’s shifts? Can an employee be required to work a late shift one night and…

Posted in Meal and Rest Break

Meal Breaks Generally Depend on Actual Number of Hours Worked

Are meal break requirements determined by the total length of an employee’s shift, or by the number of hours the employee actually works? Meal break…

Posted in Final Paycheck

Final Paycheck: Employee Pickup or Mail? Answers to FAQs

If an employee quits without giving any notice, I believe I have a window of time to prepare a final paycheck. Does the employee have…

Posted in Disabilities

Medical Documentation Requirements for Disability Leaves

If an employee requests a leave of absence as an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), can I require medical documentation from their…

Posted in FMLA/CFRA

Avoid Surprises by Checking in with Employee During Family Leave

Is there any requirement to notify an employee in writing when their federal and/or state family leave is ending? Employers are not required to provide…

Posted in Benefits Disabilities

Lower Base Period Wages Can Affect Expected Disability Benefits

A fairly new employee is out on a medical leave and receiving state disability insurance, but the weekly benefit she’s getting is far less than…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Who Pays Cost of Employee COVID Testing or Vaccination?

If I require an employee to go get a COVID test, or to be vaccinated, who pays the costs of testing or vaccination? Do I…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Time Off

Don’t Deny Vacation Due to Recent Use of COVID Sick Leave

My employee used most of her COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave over the last couple of weeks. Now she wants to take a week’s vacation….