Author: Beza Sileshi

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Workplace Safety

Federal OSHA Withdraws Mandatory Vax-or-Test Rule, Cal/OSHA Updates COVID-19 ETS Guidance

These days, there’s no shortage of COVID-19-related news and developments for employers to keep up with — and this week brought not just one, but…

Posted in Compensation

Pay Transparent or Not? Either Way, Remember California’s Legal Requirements!

Pay transparency continues to be a hot-button issue in California as employers navigate a tough hiring and retention landscape — and while there are differing…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Workplace Policies

Cal/OSHA Updates ETS Fact Sheets, FAQs

The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) has posted new FAQs on COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) and posted fact sheets —…

Posted in General

Blended Workforces Are Here to Stay, Survey Says

We already know that 76 percent of employees want permanently flexible work, and now it looks like things are going to stay that way. More…

Posted in Hiring

Labor Shortage Prompts Retirees’ Return to Workforce

California’s labor shortage is immense. A recent column in CalMatters noted that while the state has one of the highest unemployment rates, employers also “have hundreds…

Fall Back Sun, Nov. 7, 2021
Posted in Compensation Overtime

End of Daylight Saving, Time to “Fall Back”

Remember this past March, when we all sprung forward to give ourselves more light in the evening hours? This weekend, we flip that switch again…