When Family Leave Time Ends, Other Protected Leaves May Apply
Posted in Time Off

When Family Leave Time Ends, Other Protected Leaves May Apply

We have an employee who is currently on California Family Rights Act (CFRA) leave. She will exhaust this leave in one week. She has asked…

Register Now for Leaves of Absence Seminars
Posted in Time Off

Register Now for Leaves of Absence Seminars

Pregnancy disability leave (PDL), the California Family Rights Act (CFRA), the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), mandatory paid sick leave, reproductive loss leave (new…

Medical Certification Important for Workers’ Comp Claim Absences
Posted in Workers' Compensation

Medical Certification Important for Workers’ Comp Claim Absences

We have an employee with an active workers’ compensation claim. We agreed with the employee that he would work a normal 40-hour-per-week schedule with exceptions…

Intermittent Family Leave May Include Transfer to Different Position
Posted in FMLA/CFRA

Intermittent Family Leave May Include Transfer to Different Position

Can we transfer an employee to a different position if the employee needs to take intermittent FMLA/CFRA leave for his medical treatments? Yes, as discussed…

How to Track Family Leave When Workweek Includes a Holiday
Posted in FMLA/CFRA

How to Track Family Leave When Workweek Includes a Holiday

We have an employee that is currently on California Family Rights Act (CFRA)/Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave and will be using leave during…

Posted in FMLA/CFRA

Avoid Surprises by Checking in with Employee During Family Leave

Is there any requirement to notify an employee in writing when their federal and/or state family leave is ending? Employers are not required to provide…

Posted in FMLA/CFRA Workers' Compensation

Absence Due to Workers’ Comp Injury May Qualify for Family Leave

I have an employee who was injured at work, and his doctor put him on leave for the next three months. The employee filed for…

Posted in Pregnancy Disability Leave Time Off

CalChamber Webinar Helps Employers Navigate Pregnancy, Parental Leave Laws

Employees who are either pregnant or new parents are entitled to protected leaves of absence or accommodation under several laws. Knowing which laws apply when…

Posted in Disabilities Termination Time Off

Things to Consider When Deciding on Disability Leave Extension

We have an employee who has been out on disability for almost a year, but we can’t let him go because he’s on disability. What…

Posted in FMLA/CFRA

Many Factors to Consider When Employee Asks for More Leave Time

Our employee has used up all of her federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave but called today to request an extension of time….