Search Results for: workers comp

Posted in Benefits

CalSavers Small Business Deadline Is June 30

By June 30, 2022, small businesses with five or more employees that don’t offer a qualified retirement plan must register with CalSavers — a retirement…

Posted in General

5 Employment-Related Job Killer Bills Pass to Second House

Five California Chamber of Commerce employment-related job killer proposals have moved on to the second house, passing a key legislative deadline on May 27 that…

Posted in Accessibility Disabilities Discrimination

EEOC, DOJ Guidance on Using AI, Algorithms in Employment

Employers commonly use computer-based tools to assist in employment matters such as hiring workers, monitoring performance, and determining pay and/or promotions as well as other…

Posted in Health and Safety

Employer Mental Health Resources, Information

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, which spotlights mental health resources and information in an effort to “fight stigma, provide support, educate the public and…

Posted in Local Ordinances

Be Prepared for July 1 Local Minimum Wage Increases

As summer approaches, temperatures aren’t the only thing on the rise. On July 1, 2022, several California localities are increasing their minimum wage rates, with…

Posted in Hiring

CalChamber Hiring Checklist Makes Onboarding Easy

In this episode of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber Labor and Employment Vice President Bianca Saad and CalChamber employment law expert Matthew Roberts share highlights from…

Posted in Compensation Workplace Policies

Review Expense Reimbursement Policies for Relevance to Remote Work

When the pandemic started, we sent many of our employees home to work remotely. Should we have a policy regarding reimbursement of their expenses? Note:…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Workplace Safety

Take Three: Cal/OSHA Revises COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) for Third Time

On April 21, 2022, the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (OSHSB) approved a third readoption of the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health…

Posted in Alternative Workweek Overtime Workplace Policies

Two Approaches to Worker Scheduling

In this episode of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber employment law expert Matthew Roberts and CalChamber policy advocate Ashley Hoffman discuss AB 2932 (Low; D-Campbell), a proposal…

Posted in Disabilities

Can Employees Sue for Unwanted Birthday Parties?

In Kentucky, a former employee was recently awarded $450,000 after an unwanted birthday party. HR professionals across the country have been clicking on these headlines…