Author: Mike McCluskey

All employers, regardless of size, must display a poster describing voting leave requirements at least 10 days before every statewide election.
Posted in Posters and Notices

Employers’ Election Day Responsibilities

The 2020 California Primary Election is Tuesday, March 3; polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Employers need to be aware of…

Posted in Posters and Notices

California’s EITC Program Highlighted This Week

Starting January 31 through February 8, 2020, it’s “California’s Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC) Awareness Week,” which shines a spotlight on the program that helps…

power outage
Posted in Health and Safety

Power Outage Today? What You Need to Know About Paying Employees

Today, more than one million California residents are expected to be without power due to the first phase of PG&E’s Public Safety Power Shutoff. Expected…

Posted in Hiring

The Case for Hiring Military Veterans

Military veterans and servicemembers are not only highly trained for professionalism and discipline but also have an accelerated learning curve and respect for procedures —…

Posted in Reporting Requirements

Employees’ Expens(ive) Reimbursement Requests

Is a trip to Italy what you expect to see when an employee submits an expense report? How about a brand-new motorcycle? A yacht? A…