Author: Matthew J. Roberts, Esq.

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Disabilities

Reasonable Accommodations During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As COVID-19 changes the employment law landscape, government agencies continue to provide guidance on many commonplace compliance issues that are now causing confusion for employers….

Employers are facing difficult decisions during this COVID-19 pandemic.
Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Termination

Furloughs Versus Layoffs: Is There a Difference in California?

Many Californian businesses are facing difficult choices during this COVID-19 pandemic (also known as the coronavirus pandemic). Confronting losses in revenue and uncertainty in the…

Managing illnesses in the workplace implicates several medical and privacy concerns that an employer must balance.
Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Workplace Safety

Balancing Workplace Illnesses and Medical/Privacy Concerns

Our employee has recently returned from traveling in an area where there is an illness epidemic. What can we do to address the employee’s exposure…

Apple employees are asked to open every bag, backpack, purse or briefcase.
Posted in Compensation

Employers Must Pay Workers for Security Screening Time, California Supreme Court Rules

Today, the California Supreme Court ruled that Apple must pay employees for time they spend undergoing security screening of personal items after clocking out at…

While emergency wildfire smoke regulations are in effect, Cal/OSHA is preparing permanent regulations that may affect more employers.
Posted in Health and Safety Workplace Safety

Cal/OSHA Renews Emergency Wildfire Smoke Regulations

This year’s dry, windy winter has government agencies predicting a quicker start to wildfire season. As you may recall, last summer, the California Division of…

California flu coronavirus
Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Workplace Safety

Coronavirus and Flu: Managing Illnesses in the Workplace

Lately, the coronavirus has been a hot topic of conversation, social media and the news; last week, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex…

Posted in Holiday Pay Time Off

Paying Employees for Holidays, Holiday Closures

If we close our worksite for a holiday, do we have to pay our employees for the day? The answer depends on the employer’s policies…

Posted in Independent Contractor

Questions About California’s New Independent Contractor Law? State Creates AB 5 Resource Website

Last week, California Labor and Workforce Development Agency Secretary Julie Su announced a new resource website for workers and business on AB 5, California’s new…

Posted in Benefits

Don’t Forget to Prepare Employee Flexible Spending Account Notices

As previously reported, the end of the year is a great time for employees to take advantage of any flexible spending account dollars (FSA) they…

Posted in General

2019 Wacky Employment Law Situations

We may be overwhelmed with all the new employment-related laws coming January 1, but here are a few light-hearted (and downright wacky) employment law stories…