Author: Ellen Savage, J.D.

Posted in Meal and Rest Break

Premium Pay Penalty Due When Employee Given Late Meal Break

Yesterday our store was very busy, so I could not let my employee leave for a meal break until very late in the day. Do…

Posted in Benefits COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Employee Quitting Due to COVID May Still Collect Unemployment

I have several employees who have quit for COVID-19-related reasons, including lack of child care and fear of being in the workplace. Why are they…

gift card
Posted in Compensation

Value of Holiday Gift Card May Be Factor in Calculating Pay Rate

I’d like to give my employees gift cards worth a few hundred dollars at the end of the year as a holiday gift. Is the…

Posted in Benefits COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

How Part-Time Return to Work Affects Employee’s UI Benefits

My employee has been on furlough and collecting unemployment insurance (UI). If I bring her back to work part time, what is the maximum number…

Paid Family Leave PFL benefits
Posted in Paid Family Leave

Paid Family Leave Claims Filed July 1 Gain Two More Weeks of Benefits

My employee had a baby a few months ago, but she wants to wait until July to file for Paid Family Leave (PFL) so she…

An employer may restore all the employee’s essential duties after the immediate crisis has passed, and then evaluate requests for accommodations under the usual ADA rules.
Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Disabilities

Telework During Pandemic Could Affect Future Remote Work Requests

If an employer allows employees to telework during the COVID-19 pandemic, will the employer have to allow them to continue teleworking after the California shelter-in-place…

California’s new Voter’s Choice Act allows approximately a month to cast a ballot, either by mail or at multiple ballot drop boxes in their county.
Posted in Time Off

Voter’s Choice Act May Affect Voting Time Off Rules

My employee wants to take time off to vote in the California Primary Election on March 3. She says I have to pay her for…

Posted in Time Off

Bereavement Leave Potential Option for Time Off After Miscarriage

Do employees have a right to use bereavement leave after a miscarriage? Employers are not required by law to offer bereavement leave to their employees….

Posted in Time Off

Choosing Unpaid Time Off Instead of Using Vacation Time

My employee asked for a few days off for a vacation with her family but wants to take it unpaid rather than using the vacation…

Posted in Exempt/Nonexempt

Can Part-Time Employees Be Exempt?

Can I classify an employee who works only part-time as exempt? An employee’s exempt classification must be evaluated by the employee’s rate of pay and…