Tag: work-related injury and illness

Posted in Workers' Compensation Workplace Safety

Applicants’ Workers’ Comp Claim History Can’t Be Used for Screening

We work in an industry that is at a higher risk for workplace injury. In an effort to keep our workers’ compensation costs lower, can…

Posted in Heat Illness Workplace Safety

Hot Temperatures Can Lead to More Workplace Injuries

An Institute of Labor Economics study gathered 18 years of California’s workers’ compensation system claims and compared it to the daily temperature data, and found…

AB 664 and AB 196, however, go beyond a mere presumption and conclusively determine that any exposure or contraction of a communicable disease, is a workplace injury.
Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Workers' Compensation

Job Killer Bills Dramatically Increase Workers’ Compensation Costs

Two California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bills that will substantially increase workers’ compensation costs by establishing a “conclusive presumption” of workplace injury for contraction of COVID-19…

February 1, post just the summary of job-related injuries and illnesses, not the complete log.
Posted in Reporting Requirements

Reminder: Post Form 300A Starting February 1

Each year, California employers must post Form 300A, Annual Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, in a visible and easily accessible area of their business…

Posted in Workers' Compensation

Employee Claims a Co-Worker Lied About On-the-Job Injury

One of my employees came to me today and said his back was sore and that he hurt it while moving some equipment, so we…

Posted in Reporting Requirements

Form 300A Summary Posting Ends Soon But Don’t Toss Them Yet

April 30 is the last day employers have to post the 2018 Cal/OSHA Form 300A Annual Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (Form 300A). Tomorrow, employers…