Tag: local ordinances

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Time Off

COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave Expiration Approaches

For nearly the entirety of the pandemic, either the federal or California governments have required most employers to provide paid sick leave to their employees…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Workplace Safety

Clearing Confusion About Current COVID-19 Workplace Safety Rules

With COVID-19 cases back on the rise and mitigation strategies, like face covering mandates, back, it feels like we have jumped into a time machine…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Workplace Safety

California Releases Employer COVID-19 Compliance Portal

As the COVID-19 pandemic approaches the one-year mark, federal, state and local governments have spent the last year continually developing new laws, regulations, ordinances, orders,…

Posted in General

2021 New Year, New Laws

Goodbye, 2020, and good riddance! As we enter 2021, the new year brings several new employment-related laws that employers should be prepared for, including: New…

Posted in Local Ordinances

New Minimum Wage Ordinances, Increases Coming January 1

In addition to the slew of new laws that employers must prepare for (and some of which are already in effect), employers shouldn’t lose sight…

Temporary COVID-19-Related Paid Sick Leave in Santa Rosa
Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Local Ordinances

Santa Rosa’s Temporary COVID-19-Related Paid Sick Leave Ordinance

As previously reported, Santa Rosa is one of the latest localities to adopt an urgency ordinance requiring employers to provide temporary COVID-19-related emergency paid sick…

masks at work
Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Local Ordinances

San Francisco Passes Back-to-Work Ordinance

On June 23, 2020, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed an emergency ordinance, known as the “Back to Work” emergency ordinance. The ordinance provides…

remote workers applicable local minimum wage rate for each hour of work within the geographic boundaries of the city or county California
Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Local Ordinances

Remote Workers May Be Subject to Local Wage, Sick Leave Ordinances

If our work site is located in an area where only the California minimum wage rate applies, but due to COVID-19, some of our employees…

Posted in Local Ordinances

New 2020 Local Minimum Wage Ordinances

More California cities continue to adopt local minimum wage ordinances (MWO). Three new cities have local minimum wage ordinances beginning January 1, 2020 — Menlo…

Posted in Local Ordinances

Another Bay Area City Approves Local Minimum Wage Ordinance

If you thought the recent local minimum wage ordinance (MWO) trend was starting to slow down, think again. On July 15, 2019, the Petaluma City…