Tag: interactive process

Good Process Key to Choosing Reasonable Accommodation for Disability
Posted in Disabilities

Good Process Key to Choosing Reasonable Accommodation for Disability

One of our employees with a disability requires a reasonable accommodation. May we choose the reasonable accommodation that we provide? Perhaps. Determining what accommodations, if…

How to Navigate Reasonable Accommodations
Posted in Disabilities

How to Navigate Reasonable Accommodations Tackled in Upcoming Webinar

In 2023, 22.5 percent of people with a disability were employed — a record high since the data was first collected in 2008. As more…

Posted in Disabilities

Medical Documentation Requirements for Disability Leaves

If an employee requests a leave of absence as an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), can I require medical documentation from their…

Posted in Disabilities

Can Employees Sue for Unwanted Birthday Parties?

In Kentucky, a former employee was recently awarded $450,000 after an unwanted birthday party. HR professionals across the country have been clicking on these headlines…

Posted in General

Important HR Bills to Watch This Year

In this episode of The Workplace, CalChamber employment law expert Matthew Roberts and CalChamber policy advocate Ashley Hoffman discuss three job killer bills under consideration…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Disabilities

Understanding Religious Accommodations for Mandatory Vaccination Policies

COVID-19 vaccines continue dominating the news as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has now provided full approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for…

Posted in Disabilities

Interactive Process Key to Accommodating Employee with Disability

We have a new hire who, after being hired, disclosed a physical disability. She indicated that we need to accommodate her, and I have since…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Disabilities

“Long COVID-19” May Be a Disability Under the ADA

On the recent anniversary of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Biden-Harris administration released resources supporting individuals experiencing long-term COVID-19 symptoms, sometimes called…

Posted in Disabilities Discrimination

If 65+ Employee Falters, Focus on Job Performance, Not Age

We have an employee who is over the age of 65 and has worked for us for several years, but recently his cognitive skills appear…

Posted in Disabilities

Allergy Claim Triggers Need for Interactive Evaluation of Options

We have an employee who is claiming she’s allergic to various things in the office, but quite honestly, she has been trying to work from…