When Family Leave Time Ends, Other Protected Leaves May Apply
Posted in Time Off

When Family Leave Time Ends, Other Protected Leaves May Apply

We have an employee who is currently on California Family Rights Act (CFRA) leave. She will exhaust this leave in one week. She has asked…

Business Legislative Wins
Posted in General

Business Legislative Wins and What Employers Can Expect in 2024

In this episode of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber Associate General Counsel Matthew Roberts sits down with CalChamber Senior Policy Advocate Ashley Hoffman and Chris Micheli,…

Employment-Related Job Killer Bills
Posted in General

CalChamber Opposition Helps Stop Employment-Related Job Killer Bills, Other Harmful Proposals

Governor Gavin Newsom laid down his lawmaking pen Friday night after signing 890 new laws into effect, and vetoing another 156, including three California Chamber…

End of Session Update: 6 CalChamber Job Killer Bills Head to Governor
Posted in General

End of Session Update: 6 CalChamber Job Killer Bills Head to Governor

California legislators last week approved six bills designated by the California Chamber of Commerce as job killers, which will increase labor costs and create more liability…

FEHA Liability
Posted in Discrimination

California Supreme Court Imposes FEHA Liability on Agents of Employers

In a long-awaited decision, the California Supreme Court has determined that third-party business agents of a certain size can now be directly liable for violations…

Podcast: Update on Harmful Proposals as Legislature Heads for Summer Break
Posted in General

Podcast: Update on Harmful Proposals as Legislature Heads for Summer Break

In this episode of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber Helpline manager and employment law counsel Matthew Roberts and Chris Micheli, of Aprea & Micheli, give an…

California Legislature deadline
Posted in General

Legislative Update After Legislature’s House of Origin Deadline

Nine California Chamber of Commerce job killer bills and two job creator bills remain after Friday’s deadline for bills to pass their house of origin in the California Legislature….

religious beliefs
Posted in Discrimination

Employers Must Explore Reasonable Accommodations for Religious Beliefs

Religion is one of just two protected classes under California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) — disability is the other — that requires employers…

Posted in General

CalChamber Releases 2023 Job Killer List

Last week, the California Chamber of Commerce released its 2023 job killer list which, to date, includes 13 bills dealing with labor and employment issues,…

Posted in Hiring

Applicant’s Criminal History Off Limits Until After Making Job Offer

We want to protect our company and staff from criminals. Can we ask applicants if they have a felony conviction in our application or during…