Tag: Dynamex

Posted in Independent Contractor

Dynamex is Retroactive: California Supreme Court’s Rejection of the Reasonable Reliance Exception Ignores Reality

As those who have been following AB 5 know well, in April 2018, the California Supreme Court issued a monumental decision related to independent contractor…

Posted in Independent Contractor

What Prop. 22 Means for Employers

In this episode of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber Executive Vice President and General Counsel Erika Frank and employment law expert Jennifer Shaw discuss the passage…

Posted in General

Employment-Related Urgency Bills Await Governor’s Signature

Last Monday, the California legislature concluded its 2019-2020 legislative session. Several of the bills that were passed will go into effect immediately should the Governor…

Posted in Independent Contractor

Roadmap for AB 5: California’s New Worker Classification Law Free White Paper

In September, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 5 (AB 5) — and significantly altered the way California law distinguishes between employees and independent contractors….

AB 5 independent contractors
Posted in Independent Contractor

November Webinar Prepares Employers for AB 5’s New ‘ABC’ Test

AB 5, the sweeping new law recently signed by Governor Gavin Newsom, dramatically changes how employers classify workers as independent contractors or employees, starting January…

Posted in Independent Contractor

More Exemptions Needed on Bill Codifying Independent Contractor Test

There are three weeks left in the legislative session and one of the most common questions I get multiple times on a daily basis is…

Posted in Independent Contractor

Ninth Circuit Decides to Not Go Back to the Future, Depublishes Vasquez Decision

The Dynamex saga is back for a sequel. In a brief yet temporary win for employers, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals depublished its Vasquez…

Posted in Independent Contractor

Dynamex Goes Back to the Future, DLSE Chimes in Too

Do you remember the movie “Back to the Future,” where a young Marty McFly goes back in time and, in doing so, potentially re-writes the…