Tag: ADA

When Family Leave Time Ends, Other Protected Leaves May Apply
Posted in Time Off

When Family Leave Time Ends, Other Protected Leaves May Apply

We have an employee who is currently on California Family Rights Act (CFRA) leave. She will exhaust this leave in one week. She has asked…

EEOC’s New Five-Year Strategic Enforcement Plan
Posted in Discrimination Harassment

EEOC’s New Five-Year Strategic Enforcement Plan (SEP)

On September 21, 2023, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) released its Strategic Enforcement Plan (SEP) for fiscal years 2024 through 2028. As previously…

Visual Impairment
Posted in Accessibility Disabilities

EEOC Updates ‘Visual Disabilities in the Workplace’ Guidance

Vision impairments can start or occur at any time in life due to a variety of different factors. In 2022, for instance, approximately 18 percent…

Posted in Disabilities

Medical Documentation Requirements for Disability Leaves

If an employee requests a leave of absence as an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), can I require medical documentation from their…

Posted in Health and Safety

Alcohol Awareness in the Workplace

Each year, an estimated 500 million workdays are lost to alcohol-related issues, costing $240 billion annually — and 72 percent of that is due to…

Posted in Time Off

Bereavement Leave Potential Option for Time Off After Miscarriage

Do employees have a right to use bereavement leave after a miscarriage? Employers are not required by law to offer bereavement leave to their employees….

Posted in Benefits

EEOC Rescinds Financial Incentive Rules for Wellness Programs in 2019

The new year brings a major change that affects employer wellness programs – the EEOC is rescinding regulations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)…