Category: Time Off

California’s new Voter’s Choice Act allows approximately a month to cast a ballot, either by mail or at multiple ballot drop boxes in their county.
Posted in Time Off

Voter’s Choice Act May Affect Voting Time Off Rules

My employee wants to take time off to vote in the California Primary Election on March 3. She says I have to pay her for…

Super Bowl Fever Sweeps Through Offices on Monday February 3
Posted in Time Off

‘Super Bowl Fever’ Sweeps Through Workplaces

Look around at your co-workers today, because, on Monday, it’s very likely several of them won’t be at work. Yes, “Super Bowl Fever” will sweep…

Posted in Time Off

Small Company Eyes Medical Leave Policies for Employee Handbook

We are a small company of 30 employees. Are we required to have a medical leave policy in our employee handbook? Many different types of…

Posted in Holiday Pay Time Off

Paying Employees for Holidays, Holiday Closures

If we close our worksite for a holiday, do we have to pay our employees for the day? The answer depends on the employer’s policies…

Posted in Time Off

Bereavement Leave Potential Option for Time Off After Miscarriage

Do employees have a right to use bereavement leave after a miscarriage? Employers are not required by law to offer bereavement leave to their employees….

Posted in Time Off

Most Common Medical Leaves Questions Podcast

The employment law experts at the California Chamber of Commerce field more than 1,600 calls on workplaces issues a month. And that’s on top of…

Posted in Time Off

FMLA Leave When Foster Care Leads to Adoption

I have an employee who is going through counseling to become a foster parent. Is she eligible for the federal Family and Medical Leave Act…

Posted in Time Off

Choosing Unpaid Time Off Instead of Using Vacation Time

My employee asked for a few days off for a vacation with her family but wants to take it unpaid rather than using the vacation…

Posted in Time Off Workplace Policies

Keep Your Workplace Running Smoothly During Summer Vacations

Hotter temperatures and no school for the kids means many employees are using up their vacation time. In fact, nearly six in 10 workers (58…

Posted in Time Off

Questions About Pregnancy Disability Leave? Our May 16 Webinar Delivers

Do you know that California law provides some of the country’s strongest workplace protections for employees who are pregnant and/or new parents? That said, employers…