Tag: wage and hour violations

Posted in Compensation

April Webinar Addresses Complexities of Wage and Hour Compliance

California maintains incredibly complex wage and hour rules that differ depending on how the employer classifies its employees. Compliance is complicated because most violations are…

Posted in Meal and Rest Break

Remote Work Reminder: Comply With Wage and Hour Laws, Encourage Keeping a Schedule

As remote work continues to be a way of life for many, it’s important to ensure accurate timekeeping for nonexempt employees and comply with wage…

Posted in Compensation

General Contractor Held Responsible for Subcontractor Wage Theft Violations

The Labor Commissioner’s Office issued citations totaling almost $600,000 in unpaid wages and penalties to a Southern California-based construction company. Additionally, the general contractor who…

Posted in Compensation

Cases to Watch Update: Liability for Payroll Records

During our annual Employment Law Update seminar road trip, we discussed several “cases to watch” in 2019. For those of you who attended, we’ve got…