Tag: California overtime pay

Fall Back Sun, Nov. 7, 2021
Posted in Compensation Overtime

End of Daylight Saving, Time to “Fall Back”

Remember this past March, when we all sprung forward to give ourselves more light in the evening hours? This weekend, we flip that switch again…

Posted in Compensation Overtime

Demystifying ‘Regular Rate’ of Pay, Overtime

How does the regular rate work? Once I calculate the regular rate, does it change the employee’s hourly rate? Do I have to calculate a…

Posted in Overtime

Guidance for California Employers on Agricultural Overtime Pay

The California Labor Commissioner has posted guidance for agricultural employers and workers about new overtime requirements that went into effect January 1. To help employers…

Posted in Compensation Overtime

All Minutes Count When Paying California Employees

Our nonexempt employees answer texts and calls after-hours. Is this work time and how much time would we pay for a five-minute call, for example?…