Tag: vacation requests

paid time off
Posted in Time Off

If You Provide Paid Time Off to Employees, Don’t Miss This

Paid time off (PTO) is an optional job benefit many employers use as a recruitment and retention incentive. Some employers choose to combine vacation time,…

Posted in Time Off

Allowing Use of Sick Time for Vacation Could Prove Costly for Employer

My employee wants to take a few days off to take a trip with her family, but she is out of vacation time. Can I…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Time Off

Don’t Deny Vacation Due to Recent Use of COVID Sick Leave

My employee used most of her COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave over the last couple of weeks. Now she wants to take a week’s vacation….

Posted in Time Off

Employees Are Ready for Summer Vacations

During the pandemic, employees have been working extra hours, not only during normal workdays but also on holidays, and they now may be suffering from…

Posted in Time Off Workplace Policies

Keep Your Workplace Running Smoothly During Summer Vacations

Hotter temperatures and no school for the kids means many employees are using up their vacation time. In fact, nearly six in 10 workers (58…