Tag: quitting

Posted in Final Paycheck

Final Paycheck: Employee Pickup or Mail? Answers to FAQs

If an employee quits without giving any notice, I believe I have a window of time to prepare a final paycheck. Does the employee have…

Posted in Hiring Workplace Policies

Employees Are Quitting in Record Numbers — Here’s How to Keep Them

In April 2021, a record all-time high of 4 million people quit their jobs, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) — this…

Posted in Compensation Hiring

Employees Paid Less for Working Remotely Would Quit

Over the past year-plus, full-time remote work has become the norm for many workers, and employees want to maintain this option post-pandemic — but they…

Posted in Benefits COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Employee Quitting Due to COVID May Still Collect Unemployment

I have several employees who have quit for COVID-19-related reasons, including lack of child care and fear of being in the workplace. Why are they…

Quitting due to bad bosses is more common than you may think.
Posted in General

More Employees Quit Because They Don’t Like Their Boss

Unfortunately, many workers have dealt with a bad boss in their career, and in some cases, even quit their job because of them. This kind…