Tag: misclassification of employees

Remember Misclassifying Employees as Independent Contractors Is Costly
Posted in Independent Contractor

Remember Misclassifying Employees as Independent Contractors Is Costly

Misclassifying an employee as an independent contractor is a costly mistake — which a home health care service company recently learned when the California Labor…

Exempt Employees Wage and Hour Essentials Webinar
Posted in Exempt/Nonexempt

Exempt Employees Wage and Hour Essentials Webinar

Editor’s note: This blog was updated at 4:59 p.m. on June 5, 2024, to reflect changes in date to both the exempt employees webinar (from…

Posted in General

Classifying Long-Term Worker as ‘Temporary’ May Cause Problems

I hired a temporary worker a few months ago. I saw that under work classifications, a temp’s time can be extended for one additional 90-day…

Posted in Independent Contractor

California Labor Commissioner Files First Lawsuit Enforcing AB 5

Earlier this month, the California Labor Commissioner’s Office filed its first lawsuit to enforce AB 5, which requires employers to use the “ABC” test to…

Posted in Workplace Policies

Employees Who Settle, Dismiss Individual Claims Can Still Bring PAGA Lawsuits

Yesterday, the California Supreme Court ruled that employees that settle and dismiss individual Labor Code violation claims against employers can still pursue a claim under the…

Posted in Exempt/Nonexempt Meal and Rest Break

Recent CalChamber Podcasts on Common Employer Problems: Misclassification, Breaks

The latest two episodes of The Workplace, a CalChamber podcast, deal with common issues employers face — misclassifying workers and not following meal and rest…

Posted in Exempt/Nonexempt

Not All Salaried Employees Are Exempt; June’s Webinar Explains Why

A high salary doesn’t automatically make an employee exempt in California, and neither does a fancy job title. California and federal rules on classifying an…