Author: HRWatchdog

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Time Off

Calculating Federal COVID-19 Paid Leave for Illness, Distance Learning

How much time is an employee entitled to use under federal COVID-19 law if he needs to stay home to supervise distance learning for his…

Posted in Disabilities

Allergy Claim Triggers Need for Interactive Evaluation of Options

We have an employee who is claiming she’s allergic to various things in the office, but quite honestly, she has been trying to work from…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

New COVID-19 County Health Equity Requirement Begins Tomorrow

In an effort to reduce COVID-19 transmission across all of California’s communities, starting tomorrow, October 6, 2020, the more populous counties will need to meet…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Workplace Safety

Cal/OSHA Standards Board Requests COVID-19 Draft Emergency Regulation with Limited Opportunity for Stakeholder Input

The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health’s (Cal/OSHA) Standards Board voted to grant, in part, Petition 583, which sought the creation of a COVID-19…

Posted in Time Off

New Law Expands CFRA to Small Business

In this episode of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber Executive Vice President and General Counsel Erika Frank and employment law expert Jennifer Shaw discuss how employers…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Workplace Safety

When to Record, Report COVID-19 Occurrence in Workplace

What are the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) requirements for reporting occurrences of COVID-19 in the workplace? Cal/OSHA has provided guidelines in…

Posted in Pregnancy Disability Leave

Webinar This Week on Leaves for Expecting Employees

CalChamber’s upcoming webinar on September 17 addresses the leaves and benefits available to expecting and new parents in California and how employers can effectively track…

Posted in Time Off

Bill Adds Small Business to CFRA

In this episode of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber Executive Vice President and General Counsel Erika Frank, and CalChamber Policy Advocate Ashley Hoffman discuss SB 1383, a…

Posted in General

Employment-Related Urgency Bills Await Governor’s Signature

Last Monday, the California legislature concluded its 2019-2020 legislative session. Several of the bills that were passed will go into effect immediately should the Governor…

AB 664 and AB 196, however, go beyond a mere presumption and conclusively determine that any exposure or contraction of a communicable disease, is a workplace injury.
Posted in General

Job Killer Update: Two Employment Bills Pass to Governor, Veto Requested

Two California Chamber of Commerce job killer bills made it out of the Legislature late on Monday night and are now headed to the Governor’s desk. Governor…