Californians have increasingly experienced more wildfires throughout the state in the last couple of years. Not only are the damages from the fires to homes and businesses tragic, but also dangerous for your health, especially when the air quality is extremely bad for anyone working outside.
Cal/OSHA’s emergency regulations for protecting outdoor workers from wildfire smoke are effective July 29, 2019 through January 28, 2020, with two possible 90-day extensions. A permanent rule is expected in 2020.
How does this affect all employers? How will the emergency regulations affect your place of business and employees when wildfires happen?
CalChamber’s Employer Requirements Under California’s Emergency Wildfire Smoke Regulation white paper can help. The white paper explains:
- The types of workplaces affected by the regulations;
- How to monitor the Air Quality Index for certain levels;
- Key tips for employers about implementing the regulations;
- How to communicate and train employees and supervisors about wildfire smoke information; and
- Other important details about the regulations.
There’s a lot for employers to know! Make sure you understand employer requirements under this new emergency regulation.
Vannessa Maravilla, Editor, CalChamber
Employer Requirements Under California’s Emergency Wildfire Smoke Regulation white paper is now available for nonmembers to download. CalChamber members can access this white paper on HRCalifornia. Not a member? See what CalChamber can do for you.