Tag: outdoor workers

National Heat Illness Prevention Rule for Indoor, Outdoor Workers Proposed
Posted in Heat Illness

National Heat Illness Prevention Rule for Indoor, Outdoor Workers Proposed

On August 30, 2024, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published the agency’s first proposed indoor and outdoor heat illness prevention rule. Although a…

Remember to Protect Outdoor Workers From Heat Illness
Posted in Heat Illness

Remember to Protect Outdoor Workers From Heat Illness

As June approaches and temperatures in some areas of California creep into the 90s and even surpass 100 degrees, employers must take appropriate steps to…

Posted in Heat Illness

Protect Outdoor Workers From Heat Illness

It’s heating up throughout California — so the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) reminds employers to protect their outdoor workers from heat…

Posted in Heat Illness

As Heat Creeps Up, Remember to Protect Outdoor Workers

As some parts of California start getting hotter, the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) is reminding employers who have outdoor workers that…

Posted in Heat Illness

Employers With Outdoor Workers, Be Prepared for Hot Weather!

Summer in California often means excessive heat warnings throughout the state; therefore, the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) reminds all employers to…

Posted in Health and Safety Workplace Safety

Required Awareness Training on Valley Fever Symptoms

I understand the Labor Code has been revised to address an increase in the number of reported cases of Valley Fever since 2016. As a…

agriculture, lighting, outdoor, dark, new regulations, California
Posted in Workplace Safety

Lighting Regulation for Outdoor Agriculture Coming Into Effect in July

Despite the disruption to much of California, the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health, commonly known as Cal/OSHA, is still doing their best to…

California’s heat illness prevention standard applies to all outdoor workers, including those in construction.
Posted in Heat Illness

As Temps Rise, Protect Your Outdoor Workers from Heat Illness

As the first major heat wave of the season sends temperatures across California into the 100s, Cal/OSHA reminds all employers to review high temperature advisories…

Employers air quality index outdoor wildfire smoke
Posted in Health and Safety

California Wildfires: Remember Employers Must Protect Outdoor Workers From Wildfire Smoke

Right now, firefighters across California are battling multiple wildfires, which are destroying property and prompting the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people. Wildfires are…