Tag: classifying employees

Register for Wage & Hour Essentials Exempt, Nonexempt Webinars
Posted in Exempt/Nonexempt Workplace Policies

Register for Wage & Hour Essentials Exempt, Nonexempt Webinars

California employers must follow numerous wage and hour laws. For example, nonexempt or “hourly” employees must be paid for all hours worked, including overtime paid…

Exempt Employees Wage and Hour Essentials Webinar
Posted in Exempt/Nonexempt

Exempt Employees Wage and Hour Essentials Webinar

Editor’s note: This blog was updated at 4:59 p.m. on June 5, 2024, to reflect changes in date to both the exempt employees webinar (from…

U.S. DOL’s New Overtime Rule
Posted in Exempt/Nonexempt Overtime

U.S. DOL’s New Overtime Rule Increases Exempt Employee Salary Threshold

Tasked with implementing and enforcing the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently announced its final rule expanding overtime eligibility…

Posted in General

Classifying Long-Term Worker as ‘Temporary’ May Cause Problems

I hired a temporary worker a few months ago. I saw that under work classifications, a temp’s time can be extended for one additional 90-day…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) General

Employees Want Permanently Flexible Work, Survey Says

While 76 percent of employees say they want their company to make work permanently flexible (whether schedule- and/or location-wise), according to a new Catalyst and…

Posted in Exempt/Nonexempt

Not All Salaried Employees Are Exempt; June’s Webinar Explains Why

A high salary doesn’t automatically make an employee exempt in California, and neither does a fancy job title. California and federal rules on classifying an…