Category: Discrimination

Posted in Discrimination Harassment

New California FEHA Regulations ‘Clarify’ Definition of Employer

Heads up, employers — new Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) regulations are now effective. In June 2019, the Fair Employment and Housing Council (FEHC)…

Posted in Discrimination

Ageism in the Workplace: Prevent Liability by Focusing on Abilities, Not Age

In today’s modern workforce, it’s not uncommon to find employees from a number of generations in a single company. In this episode of The Workplace,…

Posted in Discrimination

Asking an Older Employee If He Plans on Retiring Soon

Our employee is over 65 years old and he seems shaky physically; it is taking him longer and longer to get his job duties done….

Posted in Discrimination Harassment

Retaliation Still Dominates EEOC Charges Nationwide

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently released detailed breakdowns of the 76,418 workplace discrimination charges the agency received in fiscal year (FY) 2018….

Posted in Discrimination Harassment

CalChamber Podcast: Men and the #MeToo Movement

A recent episode of CalChamber’s The Workplace podcast focuses on men and the #MeToo movement. As more publicity is being given to instances of sexual…