Category: Benefits

Posted in Benefits COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Employee Quitting Due to COVID May Still Collect Unemployment

I have several employees who have quit for COVID-19-related reasons, including lack of child care and fear of being in the workplace. Why are they…

Posted in Benefits

401(k) Contribution Limits Stay the Same in 2021

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released guidance on cost-of-living increases to the income ranges for determining individual retirement account (IRA) and Roth IRA contribution eligibility, and…

Posted in Benefits

2021 Flexible Spending Arrangements (FSAs) Contribution Limits

Open enrollment season is here, which means employees can elect or change their employer-offered benefits, such a health, vision and dental insurance, and start planning…

Posted in Benefits

AB 1731 Provides Rare Win-Win Option for California’s Businesses and Workers During Economic Downturn

As the 2020 legislative season comes to a close, we can certainly say it has been a chaotic time for employers. One bright spot for…

Posted in Benefits COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

How Part-Time Return to Work Affects Employee’s UI Benefits

My employee has been on furlough and collecting unemployment insurance (UI). If I bring her back to work part time, what is the maximum number…

Posted in Benefits

Reminder: CalSavers Large Employer Registration Deadline Is September 30

California employers with more than 100 employees that don’t maintain or contribute to a “tax-qualified retirement plan” have a fast-approaching deadline to meet. As previously…

unlimited vacation
Posted in Benefits

‘Unlimited’ Vacation Policies, California Court Addresses

In recent years, “unlimited” vacation policies have gained traction in California, becoming increasingly popular for providing employees with limitless paid vacation or paid time off…

exending unemployment insurance
Posted in Benefits COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

EDD Announces Up to 20-Week UI Extension

The California Employment Development Department (EDD) has taken action to further assist people who are unemployed due to the economic impact of COVID-19. On July…

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires certain employers to provide each employee, at the time of hire, with a written notice.
Posted in Benefits

Health Insurance Marketplace Model Notices Expire, Comments Open

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)’s model notices for employers who do and don’t offer a health plan to some or all employees expired at…

Several deadlines related to COBRA and ERISA special health plan enrollments have been extended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Posted in Benefits COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

COBRA and ERISA Deadlines Extended

Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and the U.S. Department of the Treasury extended several employer-sponsored health plan-related deadlines, including those related…