Tag: reporting serious injury or death

Nonwork-related death at work
Posted in Workplace Safety

Nonwork-Related Death at Work Still Must Be Reported to Cal/OSHA

An employee died of a heart attack while at work. It was not caused by his employment. Do I have to report this death to…

If these amendments may affect you, then monitor Cal/OSHA’s rulemaking process.
Posted in Workplace Safety

Changes Brewing in California Safety/Health Rules Due to Conformity Mandate

I hear there is a new law revising what is considered a serious injury and the requirements for complaint investigations. What are the changes? As…

Posted in Workplace Safety

California Fatal Workplace Injuries Increased in 2018

After several years of declines, in 2018 (the latest data available), California’s workplace fatality rate increased with 422 Californians dying in workplace incidents (up from…