Tag: Form 300A deadline

Posted in Reporting Requirements

Employers: Post Form 300A Beginning February 1

It’s that time of year again: Beginning February 1, 2022, California employers must post their Form 300A, Annual Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (which…

Posted in Reporting Requirements

To Electronically Submit Data or Not? That Is the Question

We begin a new act in the continuing drama of will California employers need to electronically submit Form 300A data or not. On May 9,…

Posted in Workplace Safety

Rate of California Nonfatal, Fatal Occupational Injuries Remains Stable

The Department of Industrial Relations released California’s 2017 occupational injury and illness data on employer-reported injuries. The Bureau of Labor Statistics works with state agencies…

Posted in Reporting Requirements

Electronic Filing Doesn’t Relieve Employers of Hard Copy Requirements

Now that I have to file Form 300A electronically, what do I do with the hard copy? The recent requirement to submit Form 300A data…

Posted in Reporting Requirements

Form 300A: Don’t Forget to Post February 1

Remember that you need to post the Form 300A summary of job-related injuries and illnesses from 2018 at your place of business from February 1 through April…