Tag: flex scheduling

Posted in Alternative Workweek

Child Care Issues Can Prompt Move to Create Alternative Schedule

My hourly employee asked for a flexible schedule where she would work four 10-hour days instead of five eight-hour days due to child care issues….

Posted in General

Blended Workforces Are Here to Stay, Survey Says

We already know that 76 percent of employees want permanently flexible work, and now it looks like things are going to stay that way. More…

Posted in Independent Contractor

Proposition 22 Supports California’s Economic Diversity

The election is a week away and in addition to choosing the next President, there are a number of important initiatives on the ballot including…

Posted in General

Flex Schedules, Early Fridays Top Employees’ Summer Wish List

Summer days are just around the corner, calling for relaxed schedules and a yearning to be outside. During this time, many workers wish for summer…