Tag: Cal/OSHA

Posted in Health and Safety Workplace Safety

Required Awareness Training on Valley Fever Symptoms

I understand the Labor Code has been revised to address an increase in the number of reported cases of Valley Fever since 2016. As a…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Workplace Safety

Reminder: Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) Requirements, Employee Access

Businesses continue to strive and adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic, modifying their operations to conform to the ever-changing government workplace safety orders and guidance. In…

Posted in Health and Safety Workplace Safety

California Wildfires: Employee Pay, Smoke Protection

As of August 19, more than 360 wildfires were simultaneously raging across California, destroying property and prompting evacuation of hundreds of thousands of residents. On…

Work-Related COVID-19
Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Health and Safety

Recording, Reporting Work-Related COVID-19 Cases

As COVID-19 cases increase in California, more employers are receiving notice of employees testing positive for the virus — but they may not be sure…

Wildfire Smoke Rules
Posted in Health and Safety Workplace Safety

CalChamber Raises Questions on Feasibility of Wildfire Smoke Rules

Last week, the California Chamber of Commerce and a coalition of employer groups voiced concerns about the feasibility of the wildfire smoke protection emergency regulation…

agriculture, lighting, outdoor, dark, new regulations, California
Posted in Workplace Safety

Lighting Regulation for Outdoor Agriculture Coming Into Effect in July

Despite the disruption to much of California, the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health, commonly known as Cal/OSHA, is still doing their best to…

Posted in Workplace Safety

Proposal Would Make Wildfire Smoke Protection Rule More Stringent; Threatens to Increase Business Costs

An emergency regulation issued from the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board on July 29, 2019, requires California employers to take steps…

Posted in Workplace Safety

What Can California Employers Do to Provide Safe Workplaces?

The recent shooting in Gilroy reminds us that an active shooter can happen anywhere, at any time. The number of active shooter incidents has increased…

Posted in Workplace Safety

California Emergency Wildfire Smoke Regulation Now in Effect

On July 29, 2019, the California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board’s emergency regulation to protect outdoor workers from the harmful effects of wildfire smoke…

Posted in Workplace Safety

Employee Smoke Exposure During Wildfires

I am an employer that has been affected directly by the wildfires in California. What is Cal/OSHA doing to address the issue of employee exposure…