Webinar on California’s Indoor Heat Illness Standard Can Help Employers Comply

Webinar on California’s Indoor Heat Illness Standard Can Help Employers

California’s outdoor heat illness standards have been in place for nearly 20 years, since a particularly brutal summer in 2006; and soon, employers will also have to abide by separate and distinct indoor heat illness standards — which will apply to all indoor work areas where the temperature equals or exceeds 82 degrees. CalChamber’s upcoming webinar can help employers with these indoor workplaces — which can include warehouses, restaurants, laundry operation, delivery drivers and many more — to better understand their new obligations.

Believe it or not, the indoor heat illness standards have been in the works since 2016, when California enacted a law directing the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) to adopt workplace standards related to the prevention and mitigation of heat illness for indoor workplaces. After eight years, Cal/OSHA has nearly completed that directive — and the Heat Illness Prevention in Indoor Places of Employment standards will take effect this year.

Although many of the proposed indoor heat illness requirements mirror those of the outdoor heat illness regulations, the indoor regulations are separate and distinct, and apply to all indoor work areas where the temperature equals or exceeds 82 degrees.

Plus, the indoor regulations have some different requirements, which CalChamber’s employment law experts will cover in the upcoming It’s Getting Hot In Here: California’s New Indoor Workplace Heat Illness Standards webinar, including:

  • Key definitions associated with the standards.
  • Administrative and engineering controls to address heat illness hazards.
  • Special rules with the provision of water and cool-down areas.
  • Heat illness symptoms and emergency response.
  • Training employees and supervisors on these standards and their roles.
  • Illustrative scenarios and key takeaways.

[60-Minute Live Webinar] It’s Getting Hot In Here: California’s New Indoor Workplace Heat Illness Standards

Date: Thursday, June 27, 2024

Time: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Price: $229 ($183.20 for CalChamber Preferred Members or above)

This webinar is ideal for HR professionals, legal/employment law counsel, office managers, business owners, and anyone with responsibility for managing employees in California who work in areas that are not air conditioned and/or may reach or exceed 82 degrees.

Downloadable webinar slides and a recording will be made available to webinar attendees. This webinar is solely for informational purposes; it does not serve as or replace legal advice.

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