Tag: holiday pay

paid time off
Posted in Time Off

If You Provide Paid Time Off to Employees, Don’t Miss This

Paid time off (PTO) is an optional job benefit many employers use as a recruitment and retention incentive. Some employers choose to combine vacation time,…

Posted in Holiday Pay

Make Sure Holiday Pay Policies Spell Out Details of Company’s Intent

My company has a holiday policy that simply lists the holidays that the company observes, but it doesn’t state how much people get paid for…

Posted in Holiday Pay Time Off

California Holiday Pay, Time Off Rules

In this episode of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber employment law experts Matthew Roberts and Bianca Saad discuss California holiday wage and hour issues, including holiday…

Posted in Holiday Pay

Employers Not Required to Provide Holiday Pay for Federal Holidays

Now that Juneteenth (June 19) has become a federal holiday, are we required to provide holiday pay to our employees for that day? When President…

Ultimately, how employers handle a holiday that falls on a Saturday depends on both their company policy and whether employees are exempt or nonexempt.
Posted in Time Off

When a Holiday Falls on Saturday

As the Fourth of July approaches, this year falling on a Saturday, employers may choose to close on the preceding Friday, giving their employees a…

Posted in Holiday Pay Time Off

Paying Employees for Holidays, Holiday Closures

If we close our worksite for a holiday, do we have to pay our employees for the day? The answer depends on the employer’s policies…

Posted in Holiday Pay

Paying Employees Working on Fourth of July

This year, the Fourth of July falls on a Thursday. Some employers will stay open for business on July 4 and July 5, while others…