Do you have any employees working at a Foster City jobsite or remotely from Foster City? If so, you need to be aware of the new Foster City minimum wage rate that goes into effect on July 1, 2022!
Foster City is the most recent locality — but likely not the last — to adopt a minimum wage ordinance with a rate higher than the California state minimum wage. Employers must pay the higher Foster City minimum wage to any eligible employees.
The Foster City minimum wage ordinance applies to all employers who hold a business license from the city and who directly or indirectly employ or exercise control over the wages, hours or working conditions of any employee in Foster City. Since there’s no employer size limitation, every Foster City employer will be required to pay $15.75 per hour to any employee who works at least two hours in one calendar week within the geographic boundaries of Foster City. The minimum wage applies to temporary employees and employees hired through a staffing agency or similar entity.
On January 1, 2023, the minimum wage will increase to $16.50 per hour. After 2023, increases will occur on January 1 based on the Regional Consumer Price Index (CPI), not to exceed 3 percent.
By July 1, 2022, every employer in Foster City must post the minimum wage notice prominently in areas at the jobsite where all employees can easily see it. Employers who fail to comply with the City of Foster City MWO may be subject to administrative citations, penalties and civil actions.
For more information, visit Foster City’s minimum wage ordinance webpage, which includes a frequently asked questions handout.
Sarah Woolston, Employment Law Subject Matter Expert, CalChamber
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