Tag: payment

Posted in Hiring

Factors to Consider When Deciding Whether to Pay for Try-Out Time

If we ask a job applicant to demonstrate their job skills during an interview, do we have to pay them for their time? During the…

Posted in Benefits Disabilities

Lower Base Period Wages Can Affect Expected Disability Benefits

A fairly new employee is out on a medical leave and receiving state disability insurance, but the weekly benefit she’s getting is far less than…

Posted in Hiring

Labor Shortage Prompts Retirees’ Return to Workforce

California’s labor shortage is immense. A recent column in CalMatters noted that while the state has one of the highest unemployment rates, employers also “have hundreds…

Posted in Compensation

Calculating Nondiscretionary Bonuses in Regular Rate of Pay

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently issued an opinion letter addressing the calculation of quarterly and annual nondiscretionary bonuses as part of the regular…