Tag: ETS

COVID-19 regulation changes in October 2022
Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Workplace Safety

Cal/OSHA Makes Big Changes to COVID-19 Regulation Ahead of December Vote

California employers may want to get out their measuring tape — because the size (in cubic feet) of a workspace just became an important element…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Workplace Safety

COVID-19 Close Contact Definition Changed

On October 13, 2022, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) issued an order updating the definition for “close contact” as it relates to the…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Workplace Safety

Standards Board Moving to Adopt Non-Emergency COVID Regulation

I hear that the California Division of Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) Standards Board will be presenting for public comment and future adoption a final version…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Workplace Safety

CDPH Alters Cal/OSHA COVID-19 ETS Definitions

On June 8, 2022, the California Department of Public Heath (CDPH) issued an order updating definitions for “close contact” and “infectious period” as they relate…

Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Workplace Safety

The COVID-19 Regulation’s Final Re-Adoption — What Does it Mean Going Forward?

It has been almost a month since the third (and final) re-adoption of the COVID-19 Workplace Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) was adopted at the California…