May is Mental Health Awareness Month. And as COVID-19 threatens our physical health and economic stability, this month serves as an excellent reminder to prioritize our mental health. Remember, mental illness is one of the top causes of worker disability in the U.S., impacting business productivity more than physical disorders.
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted many people’s normal routines and increased fear, anxiety and depression. As many workplaces go remote, some employees are struggling with depression symptoms as they deal with social isolation from family, friends and coworkers. And because employers are less likely to see cues that an employee is struggling emotionally and mentally and refer them to resources for help, like your Employee Assistance Program, building resilience in the workplace is more important than ever.
In order to guide organizations and workers, the Mental Health Services Accountability and Oversight Commission (MHSOAC) and One Mind at Work are convening employers, employees and subject matter experts from the labor, health care and education fields to discuss workplace mental health in California and develop a framework for voluntary standards to promote mental health and wellness in the workplace.
You are invited to attend their online, public convening on workplace mental health from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. PDT on May 27, 2020, over Zoom videoconference.
Please RSVP at https://bit.ly/2y1ROKG by May 27, 2020, and visit the MHSOAC’s website for the Zoom dial-in information.
The meeting’s agenda includes an overview of the mental health landscape in California and a panel discussion with opportunities for public comment and Q&A. Following the meeting, the MHSOAC and One Mind at Work will distribute a summary of findings and key takeaways that will give employers and employees actionable insights for implementing mental health best practices in their workplaces.
Katie Culliton, Editor, CalChamber
CalChamber members can read more about Improving Employees’ Mental Health Helps Businesses’ Bottom Line in the HR Library. Not a member? See what CalChamber can do for you.