Author: Mel Davis

Lead Exposure Standard: Big Changes Take Effect January 1, 2025
Posted in Health and Safety Workplace Safety

Lead Exposure Standard: Big Changes Take Effect January 1, 2025

What changes has Cal/OSHA made to its standard for exposure to lead in construction and other industries? The Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA)…

How Indoor Heat Illness Rule Applies to Air Conditioned Workplace
Posted in Heat Illness

How Indoor Heat Illness Rule Applies to Air Conditioned Workplace

Our indoor office is air conditioned. Does our business need to include the indoor heat illness requirements in our Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)?…

indoor heat illness prevention standard
Posted in Heat Illness

Standards Board Keeps Moving on Proposed Indoor Heat Illness Standard

What is the status of Cal/OSHA’s indoor heat illness prevention standard? (Updated 1/9/24 with the Standard Board’s third 15-day notice on December 22, 2023) The…